Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Week 10

I have learned so much this term about all kinds of technologies. I have learned that every technology has its positives and negatives. Technology is a part of the world and a part of my student's worlds. I want to bring it into my classroom as much as it is helpful.

Web design

Dreamweaver is a good program to use if there is something specific you want to design your website to look like and to have full control over everything. However, it is a lot ore dificult and time consuming to use. After getting used to the program i don't find it as difficult to use as i had originally thought. The program is rather expensive and i don't think that i could use it in my classroom unless my school already had it.


Going into the app store there are a lot of apps that can be used educationally some free some not. If my school were to have ipads or ipods for all my students i can see some real potential for learning through these deices, however, i can also see a lot of trouble makers taking advantage of the device.


Tuesday, May 15, 2012


Using iTunes i can search for videos and podcasts that educate me on subjects i am going to teach.  

These are videos sometimes and audio others. I like that they are educational sometimes. 

Garage band
this is an easy program to use. there is a lot of drag and drop that makes the program intuitive. recording the voice, images, and sounds all separately makes it so that you can time things easily.  

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Clickers and search engines

Sign up

Teach log in

Student log in 

This is a simulated clicker site. So long as all the students have an electronic device with internet access then it will work.

Google is a good search engine, but it is not the only one out there.

Give your students a list of good websites to use for their research don't just send them to google to research or else they night get info that is not what you are looking for. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Today I learned about how to use iMovie. It is so easy to use that I think I will remember it. I can see that it is useful in the classroom for students to use on a project. Students would not have much trouble using this program.


I learned so many things about Photoshop! Its a program that I have heard a lot about. I have even  heard it used like a verb "Photoshop it".

Now that I have explored the program I can see its value. I can see myself using this in preparation for a lesson, in fact I have already done so for a couple of lessons. I sometimes need just the right image to illustrate my thoughts and represent my lessons.

My students can use Photoshop as a tool to represent their thoughts also. This can be a way to summarize a story, create a story, or do a presentation.